Hi, welcome to my personal page.
I am Yi Zhou, an associate professor in the computer science department of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, P.R. China. I am also a member of the Algorithms and Logic Lab in UESTC.
I obtained PhD degree of Computer Science from the Université d'Angers, France in 2017. My PhD supervisor is Prof. Jin-Kao Hao and Prof. Adrien Goëffon.I got MS and BS degrees of Computer Science from UESTC in 2010 and 2013, respectively.
I am interested in the design and analysis of practical algorithms, i.e., algorithms that work well in practice. In a more broad perspective, I study Algorithm Engineering. My recent work mainly focus on fast algorithms for some hard graph problems.
You can refer to my publications or my DBLP page.
I am a member of the algorithm teaching group in the CS departement of UESTC. Here is a list a courses I give.
- 2022.09-2022.11 Optimization Algorithms, for students in CS department.
- 2022.03-2022.05 The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, for graduate students in CS department (Yibin Campus).
- 2021.09-2021.11 Optimization Algorithms, for students in CS department.
- 2020.09-2020.11 Optimization Algorithms, for students in CS department.
- 2019.09-2020.11 Optimization Algorithm, for students in CS department.
- 2018.12, 2019.11 Selected Topics of Big Data, for students in Institution of Inovation and Entrepreneurship, UESTC.
- 2018.09 Optimization Algorithm. For undergraduates
There are some MIT open courses I'd like to recommend: MIT Design and Analysis of Algorithms, MIT 6.854/18.415 Advanced Algorithms, MIT 6.854/18.415 Performance Engineering of Software Systems